Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body, and it is involved in more than 350 biochemical and enzymatic activities. Low magnesium may cause muscle spasms, headaches, pain/stiffness, and insomnia…
During naturopathic consultations, I often suggest using magnesium oil on the skin.
Compared with other minerals, this mineral can be absorbed relatively well through the skin.
Here are a few tips for you to know.
Magnesium type
Magnesium Chloride: You can see this type as magnesium salt or magnesium oil.
As it is called OIL, it can be sticky on your skin. Also, it can bring a sting or itchy sensation when you put it on (particularly for a person who is deficient in magnesium).
Magnesium Sulphate: This is often called Epsom salt. It can be added to foot baths or body baths.
How to use magnesium salt or Epsom salt
Add at least one cup of salt to the bath tab.
If it’s a foot bath, use one handful of the salt in a bucket of hot water.
How to apply magnesium oil to your skin

There are two ways to put it on; rubbing with other massage cream/oil OR rubbing 20-30 minutes before showering.
1. Rubbing with other cream/oil (less itchy feeling)
- Spray magnesium oil on your skin (big muscle areas such as thigh, back, and upper arms), followed by massage cream or oil as you like.
- Preferably do this after showering and leave it on.
2. Rubbing 20-30 minutes before shower
- Spray magnesium oil on your skin (big muscle areas such as thigh, back, and upper arms)
- Leave it on for 20-30 minutes
- Take a warm shower, as you usually do
Magnesium salts can be strongly effective. Do not underestimate the efficacy.
During my pregnancy, I combined magnesium oil with stretch mark oil to massage my abdomen and hips.
When I hadn’t applied magnesium oil for 3 days, I experienced muscle cramps on the 4th day. I was surprised at how effective it was!