Articles / Recipies

Herbal Medicine

The Hidden Gut Imbalance: SIBO Causes, Symptoms, and Holistic Treatments

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition that occurs when excessive bacteria grow in the small intestine, leading to digestive issues and discomfort. While the gut naturally contains bacteria, an overgrowth in the wrong place can cause significant health problems. The Role of the Ileocecal Valve and Gut Bacteria The large intestine and small intestine are separated by the Ileocecal Valve, which acts as a barrier between these two sections of the digestive tract. Each section has distinct functions: Although both contain gut bacteria, the concentration varies significantly: Since the small intestine is long, bacteria concentration increases as it gets closer to the large intestine. The Ileocecal Valve plays

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Discovering wombok cabbage; Best winter dish

Wombok Cabbage: A Versatile Asian Vegetable Have you noticed how some prices seem to be skyrocketing lately? Interestingly, amidst all this, there’s a humble vegetable that remains surprisingly affordable: Wombok (Napa Cabbage) ! Now, some of you might be scratching your heads wondering, “What on Earth is Napa Cabbage?” Let me enlighten you! Napa cabbage (Wombok), commonly used in Asian cuisine (especially in countries like Japan, Korea, and China), is a vegetable from the Brassicaceae family. If you’re thinking, “I’ve never heard of it,” don’t worry – it tastes somewhat like regular cabbage, with a subtle flavor that’s perfect for a wide range of dishes. One quick idea? Toss it

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Herbal Medicine

Perimenopause and Natural Therapies: What You Need to Know

Perimenopause is the period leading up to menopause, when a woman’s body undergoes many changes as it prepares for the end of reproductive function. While most women are aware of menopause, many are not as familiar with perimenopause, which can last for several years and can be accompanied by a range of symptoms.

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Kid's Health

Fussy eater? It is normal!

I sometimes meet mothers who have concerns about the nutrition of their children because they don’t like to eat many vegetables. Even though they used to eat vegetables and fruits puree when they were 1 year old, some kids suddenly reject vegetables, particularly green coloured vegetables, when they become 2-3 years old. It seems natural t

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Herbal Medicine

What is Naturopathy?

The naturopathic approach to health and disease focuses on the restoration of health. The treatment is based on a clean environment, adequate rest, nutritious food, and herbal medicine in order to assist the body’s self-healing processes.

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Herbal Medicine

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine is a traditional treatment that is made from plants. It has been used for thousands of years all over the world. Herbalists and naturopaths use these therapeutic medicines to improve health and treat illness. There is extensive scientific research to validate the traditional uses of herbs and to understand how they work. It can be difficult to prescribe herbs as they may contain hundreds of different constituents, unlike a single synthetic drug.

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Kid's Health

How to put magnesium oil on your skin

Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body, and it is involved in more than 350 biochemical and enzymatic activities. Low magnesium may cause muscle spasms, headaches, pain/stiffness, and insomnia…

During naturopathic consultations, I often suggest using magnesium oil on the skin.

Compared with other minerals, this mineral can be absorbed relatively well through the skin.

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Quick and easy dinner: Acqua pazza

Do you go fishing? Do you like fish? Here is the recipe, which is quick and tasty for busy weekdays! Once you have put a lid on, you can make another dish like salad whilst it’s cooking.

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